Business of API hackathon : iSphero

A while back i got a chance to be a part of Business of API hackathon in Bangalore, India. It was a 48 hours hackathon and was very exciting due to kind of API’s that we can use. Mainly Linkeding, twilio and sendgrid’s

The first day i got a sphero, a amazing robotic ball by Sendgrid as a audience price for some during the session thing. You can checkout more on sphero here and sendgrid

Essentially during the hackathon i built a webapp by which you can control the sphero from anywhere (you have to be a geek to follow the steps though)

Here is a snapshot.


How to use this. Just clone the git repo from.

To run this go inside the dir and run python runserver

Now connect your sphero with your computer via blutooth.
You will see something on localhost:8080 if everything is fine (Else debug or install dependencies)

Now the part where you can give control of your sphero to anyone anywhere. For that read about localtunnel here This will give you a link, share this with anyone and give control.

Also here is a video with me controlling the sphero using the same .

Please let me know if you don’t like my writing or need more details.

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